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In a small village nestled in the countryside, there lived a naughty beauty named Priya. She was known for her slim waist and captivating beauty, which caught the attention of all the men in the village. However, Priya was a devoted wife to her husband and never entertained any advances from other men. One day, while her husband was away on a business trip, Priya decided to indulge in some sensual stripping and bathtime. She put on some seductive music and slowly undressed, revealing her luscious curves. As she stepped into the bathtub, she couldn't help but imagine her husband's hands caressing her body. But little did she know, a group of men from the neighboring village had been watching her every move. They were mesmerized by her beauty and couldn't resist the temptation to have her. They barged into her house and forcefully took her, despite her protests. Priya was terrified and tried to fight them off, but they were too strong. They took turns violating her, leaving her bruised and broken. As they left, they warned her not to tell anyone or they would harm her husband. Feeling ashamed and violated, Priya kept the incident to herself. But the trauma of that day haunted her for years to come. She couldn't even look at her husband without feeling guilty and dirty. This incident serves as a reminder that no woman, no matter how beautiful or devoted, is safe from the horrors of rape. It is a crime that knows no boundaries and can happen to anyone, anywhere. Let us all stand together and fight against it. This story is based on a true incident that happened in a small Assamese village. It is a harsh reality that we must acknowledge and work towards eradicating. Let us not turn a blind eye to such atrocities and instead, strive towards creating a safer and more respectful society for all.
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